Uptevia is particularly attentive to your expectations, and we want to preserve the trust you place in us.
To this end, we have adopted strong principles to ensure the protection of your data.
This is why we would like to provide you with transparent information on how we place, use and store cookies on your device when you visit our site “uptevia.com” to your connection terminal.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text, image or software files that are placed and stored on your computer, smartphone or other Internet-enabled device when you visit a website. Very useful, cookies enable a website to recognize you, to indicate that you have visited a particular page and to provide you with an additional service, such as improving your browsing comfort, securing your connection or adapting the content of a page to your interests.
The information stored by cookies, for a limited period of validity, relates in particular to the pages you visit, the advertisements you click on, the type of browser you use, and the information you enter on a site so that you don’t have to re-enter it. This information is sometimes linked to your IP address.
Types of cookies used by the “uptevia.com” website:
Cookies strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service:
These cookies do not require the consent of Internet users, but you are informed of their use. Browser settings may allow you to block them, with potentially negative effects on site operation.
- Cookies are used to memorize your user preferences, display settings and the readers you use, in order to facilitate your navigation the next time you visit our site. These cookies are valid 13 months.
- Session ID cookies: a session corresponds to the period between the moment when an Internet user arrives on a website and the moment when he/she leaves it.
- The validity of these cookies expires when you log out or at the end of your visit.
Your cookie choices
Cookies improve your browsing comfort on our Site and enable you to access certain secure areas. If you decide to block all cookies via your Internet browser, you will only be able to visit the public part of our Site and will no longer be able to access your secure customer area (Planetshares).
You can choose to accept the deposit of cookies on your terminal and reverse this decision at any time by modifying the settings of your Internet browser.
Depending on your browser type, you will have the following options: accept or reject cookies from any source or from a given source, or program the display of a message asking for your consent each time a cookie is deposited on your terminal.
To express or revoke your choices, please refer to the help menu or the dedicated section of your browser. For example
– Internet ExplorerTM : http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
– Safari TM: https://support.apple.com/fr-fr/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
– ChromeTM : http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647
– FirefoxTM : http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies
– OperaTM : http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html
Right of access and opposition
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, and with Regulation no. 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, you have the right to object to and access data concerning you.
You can exercise your right of access by sending a letter to the data controller :
For the attention of the DPO team
Risk and Data Protection Department
90 – 110 Esplanade du General de Gaulle – 92931 PARIS LA DEFENSE – FRANCE
You can also send your request to the following address: dpo@uptevia.com.
For a better understanding and control of cookies of all origins, and not only those of our Site, present on your terminal, we invite you to consult the Youronlinechoices site, published by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France (IAB).
NB: If your terminal is used by several people or has several Internet browsers, it is possible that some of your cookie choices are not permanently taken into account, either because you have used another browser, or because a third party has modified your browser settings. We are not in a position to prevent these external factors, nor can we guarantee the continuity of the choices you initially made.