On September 24, 2024, Uptevia held its second edition of its Issuers Forum, dedicated to general meetings. This 100% online event brought together more than 120 participants representing 70 companies. This webinar was an opportunity for Pierre Carlin, co-Head of the Centralized Operations department, to review the figures for the 2024 General Meeting season. Sector experts (Investir, Place des Investisseurs and Euronext) then gave a focus on the participation of individual shareholders during a round table moderated by David Pasquale, co-Head of the Centralized Operations department.
The discussions also focused on the evolution of regulations and documentations in 2025 and the voting processes, in the presence of specialists (Labrador, Euronext Corporate Services and the Almain law firm).
A third round table highlighted the voting process during general meetings and more specifically the importance of shareholder dialogue and forecasting investors votes. To address these themes, we invited experts: Georgeson, Balboa Conseil and Amundi.
And in conclusion, Isabelle Castets, Uptevia sales manager, presented the functionalities linked to general meetings of the new Uptevia Corporates tool.
A big thank you to all the speakers from Place des Investisseurs, Investir, Euronext Corporate Services, Labrador, Almain, Georgeson, Balboa Conseil and Amundi. We would also like to thank our Uptevia speakers, presenters for a day: Pierre CARLIN, Isabelle CASTETS and David PASQUALE.
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